Where? but it is AZ

Where? but it is AZ

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I am perfectly happy

I have been saying lately that I am perfectly happy in my own little world. Some of this has to do with contentious interactions with my sister and boyfriend. The boyfriend thing is ok now but the sister thing is still happening. Last week was a rough week because I was anticipating Mother's Day which would be the first Mother's Day since my Mom passed away in November.

Of course, the sister and I had a phone call that did not go well and Mother's Day ws not going to be a day of sharing and caring. I did have my boyfriend and other friends who were concerned about my well-being and offered to spend the day with me or I could join them on their planned activities. I spent the day with my boyfriend which was a very good day from going to church to watching Sopranos that evening.

Well, that's about it for now. I need to get on with the business of the day.

Perfectly happy in my little world,
ME! :-)

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