Wow, it has been quite a while since I posted on this blog but I need to try to do this on a more regular basis because I live a fascinating life, of course, from my own perspective. Actually, I could use this as more of a journal of my life. Yes, that means I am opening myself up to the world but, basically, there is not much I need to hide from others in my life.
I had attend another great Mastermind Roundtable ( meeting this morning. There were about 30 people in attendance and we each had to talk about a personal "Butterfly Effect" based on a a book written by Andy Andrews (a must-read). So maybe my blog will have a "butterly effect" on someone.
Andrew (a friend) was there to help me promote my Gold Party I am having on Wednesday evening. He had the flyers and was asking people if they were going to come. Now, he is really good at doing this and I am very reluctant about doing this. This is one of the my many personality defects that I have. I am not very good at promoting what I am doing.
Now that has to do with my upbringing - female, Mexican-American, and Catholic - don't draw attention to yourself. Yes, I can do it in a group that I do not know but in a group that I do know I am very reluctant to do that. I know it sounds confusing and I will have to think about this a little more.
OK, I am will be ending soon but I want to comment a little on the Arizona lifestyle. I had to leave my dog home this morning because the mornings are not cool enough to keep him in the car with the windows rolled down without people calling the police about animal abuse. Yes, I had one of thsese incidents last week - no citation - but I can't leave him in the car. Yes, this means I will probably start getting complaints from the neighbor upstairs on his barking but I will deal with it when it happens.
Now, I need to close. It felt good about posting again. I will be doing this more often, I promise.